In a previous role, I was so often struck by the number of media cuttings that crossed my desk referring to an original story in Prospect magazine, that I subscribed. A decision I keep renewing, in part because the articles are written by those at the heart of the stories, as opposed to those looking on from the side. As a result, in this past month my own understanding has increased through the writings of Meg Russell on reform of the House of Lords: “Red benches, grey hair” (click here) and by the BBC’s David Lyon on Afghanistan: “Afghanistan is not a lost cause” (click here).
I have worked with David in the past and thoroughly enjoyed listening to him as his vast knowledge and experiences throughout Afghanistan came across in his questions to those in charge of military operations and in the conversations we would have before and after such interviews. Despite the misgivings, it is heartening to think that the blood, sweat and treasure that has been spent over the last decade trying to bring peace to a nation at war for forty years, might yet have a lasting effect. Equally optimistic, was the article by Thomas Dichter: “Hope in the Middle East” (click here) in which he says: “the reasons for gloom are undeniable, but the reasons for eventual optimism are too easily dismissed.”
This gathering of knowledge is very much at the heart of HPR-International and the way in which we work. In the world today there are many issues which we might think we are fully aware of and about which we seek to have our opinions understood. But by seeking to understand a little better, we realise just how much there is still to learn.
Yours always eager to learn,